ISO 14001 Consultancy

Environmental Management

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What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is part of the ISO 14000 family of environmental management standards.

It provides a framework that an organisation can follow to set up an effective environmental management system (EMS).

ISO 14001 assists companies in developing a management system that aligns their business strategies with environmental considerations.

Implementing an EMS according to ISO 14001 can help an organisation to minimise its negative impact on the environment, comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements, and continually improve in the above aspects.

At EmmersonWills, we are The ISO Simplification Experts, making UKAS-certified ISO 14001 compliance straightforward, efficient, and practical. Simplify your ISO, Empower your success with expert guidance that ensures your business meets environmental standards without unnecessary complexity. Contact us today to achieve ISO 14001 certification and take the next step towards a more sustainable business.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System icon

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Why obtain ISO 14001 certification?

Obtaining the ISO 14001 certification showcases your organisation’s commitment to environmental responsibility by actively reducing negative impacts on the environment.

This commitment not only ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements but also significantly reduces the risk of facing fines related to environmental and regulatory liabilities.

The certification process helps identify opportunities for reducing waste and decreasing the use of energy and materials, leading to notable cost savings.

Additionally, it enhances your organisation’s image and credibility among a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, clients, and the public, fostering a greater degree of trust in your environmental stewardship.


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ISO 14001 certification empowers organisations with a strategic blueprint for enhancing environmental management, spotlighting significant benefits such as:

  • Improved Environmental Performance: Encourages a methodical approach to setting, achieving, and demonstrating the achievement of environmental objectives and targets.
  • Reduced Cost of Waste Management: Leads to savings in energy and material consumption, thereby reducing operational expenses.
  • Savings in Consumption of Energy and Materials: Promotes lower costs and heightened efficiency via improved energy management.
  • Lower Distribution Costs: Facilitates considerable financial savings through optimised consumption, waste reduction, and recycling efforts.
  • Improved Stakeholder Relationships: Bolsters customer trust and opens avenues for market expansion, strengthening stakeholder relations.

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ISO 14001 certification offers an array of benefits that can significantly elevate your business’s operational and environmental performance, such as:

  • Competitive Advantage: ISO 14001 certification can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace, particularly when procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Helps organisations to understand and stay up to date with compliance obligations.
  • Operational Efficiencies: By integrating a systematic approach to environmental management, it can help identify areas of improvement and implement solutions that reduce costs, improve efficiency, and reduce environmental impact.
  • Employee Engagement: Workers in an organisation that has an effective EMS may be more motivated, engaged, and satisfied.
  • Market Opportunities: Opens up new business opportunities with environmentally conscious customers or in regions where environmental management is a priority.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee no easier route to gaining, maintaining, and running UKAS Certified ISO Management Systems.

Part of our culture is that we don’t create work where we don’t have to. Thus, we look for conformity, not non-conformity.

We maintain a forward-thinking approach to be conscious of future implications and reduce the need for time-consuming amendments later.

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